Webinar #1 - ASP University

During the first webinar, Dra Elisabetta Anzanello will kick off this new webinar series by discussing the challenges behind outsourcing MD reprocessing. The presentation will start explaining the outsourcing of MD reprocessing and why use this service. Furthermore, the Hospital needs Assessment will be presented as well as Project and Service organization procedures. Lastly, the procedures, traceability, and Certifications will be shared as well as integration between Outsourcer and Health care Team.

What is Outsourcing
of the MDs Reprocessing?

There are different ways to supply an outsourcing in MD reprocessing
– Management of CSSD
– Management of CSSD with surgical instruments sets supply
– Management of CSSD, supply of surgical instruments sets and other different services such as drapes and gowns, OR disinfection, and so on

It can be applied  Private Public Partnership or a dedicated tender on service

Why an outsourcing service?
It is a no core” activity in the hospital organization
There is a lack of human resources that can be dedicated to this
There is no area in the hospital
An outsourcer can have better economic management in such capital intensive project
An outsourcer can organize a CSSD like a real MD production, following the best standards

Hospital Needs

What is missing in hospital organization? Adequate area for CSSD, fundings for equipment or surgical instruments, human resources, any kind of materials?
This kind of analysis is key for having a clear idea of the kind of collaboration you may have with an outsourcer.
It is important to organize inventory of the surgical sets in use and needed, the OR organization, the number of operating rooms and their position, the non OR MDs that must be reprocessed into the hospital
The opportunity to share the project with other hospitals may be investigated

Project and Service organization
through different steps

Planning the CSSD: areas, equipments, installation, technical furnishing, software and hardware, single-use devices
Surgical instruments sets creation and organization
MDs organization  to assure a safe product anywhere
Human resources, shifts and trainings
Service and Maintenance
Risk Analysis and Disaster recovery Plan

Procedures, Traceability
and Certifications

Procedures and use in the OR of MDs and surgical sets
Procedures and use in the other hospital departments
Procedures in CSSD
Logistic and transport following international and local standards
Software and Traceability
Quality Certifications

Integration between Outsourcer
and Healthcare Team

Protocols between Outsourcer and Hospital Management

Team building OR/Outsourcer working together for the same ethical outcome

Communication and a way to quickly do it

Definition of Responsibilities

This is the first webinar dedicated to “The challenges behind outsourcing your MD reprocessing”, presented by ASP Continuous Education.

30th MAY 2024

Dra. Elisabetta Anzanello
Experienced Consultant for Decontamination and Sterilisation projects, Protocols and Certifications
Saniservice, Italy
  • Experienced Consultant for Decontamination and Sterilisation projects, Protocols and Certifications.
  • Biologist with Health Care specialization.
  • Inventor and Applicant for “Method for sanitizing, sterilizing and packaging of sets of surgical instruments”, 2007.
  • Qualified member of Accredited Research Group by Italian Ministry of University and Research, for developing the project “Innovative service for public and private health care facilities for outsourcing management of surgical instruments”, 2004.
  • Founder and Owner of Steritalia spa, innovative outsourcing company for sterilized and customized surgical sets from 2003 untill 2014.
  • Previously Technical Director and Consultant in several Italian hospitals for outsourcing projects.
  • Technical Director in PPP for Integrated Services of Sterilised Customized Surgical Instruments Sets, Single Use Drapes and Gowns for OR, Waste Treatment, and Operating Rooms Disinfection for all Albanian Public Hospitals.

Very useful information
It was very important to understand the outsourcing process of MDs reprocessing
ASP webinars are a great source of information for us, Healthcare professionals! Thanks a lot!
  • Carefully assessing internal needs helps obtain the best service.​
  • Considering future operational developments of the organization also helps acquire a flexible service ready to adapt effectively to activities.​
  • Collaborating in the planning process in terms of methods and timing of service provision provides a comprehensive view of the final product and allows for precise service refinement.​
  • Verifying the outsourcer’s work through reliable operational software and inspections for certifications builds confidence in the safety of reprocessed MD.​
  • Working as a team with the outsourcer ensures the best performance through clear and consistent communication.