Efficiency in healthcare refers to do more and better with less resources to provide health services who are cost-effective, safe and based on high standards of care.1
Efficiency can be achieved with the implementation of strategies that reduce the number of unnecessary resources, optimize workflows, and adopt innovation.2
Efficiency in healthcare has become a cornerstone, as technologic advances and greater coverage creates pressure on limited budgets, and ecologic aspects must also take into consideration.1
Increasing efficiency in healthcare contributes to their economic sustainability, competitiveness, while reducing environmental damage and lastly improving quality of care and quality of life.3,4
Without the reprocessing of reusable medical devices most procedures could not take place. Such reprocessing is also central for the adoption of a circular economy strategy, lowering the climate damage.10-12
Reprocessing is a complex process with several steps and different players that requires efficient technologies, proficient human resources and good health technology assessments.13-15
The Central Sterilization Services Department, where multiple strategies can be adopted in different moments, including the adoption of low temperature sterilization can contribute to maximize efficiency. 18-20
We will also cover the importance of good traceability and material handling systems to improve efficiency in this field.21
Taking as a point of departure the global concept of Efficiency in Healthcare, its applicability and implications for medical devices reprocessing, in this Webinar Series, Efficiency in Medical Devices reprocessing: the road ahead, we will dive into the different scenarios where medical devices are used and need to be reprocessed: the operating room and the applicability of the lean principles to increase efficiency in the global process of reprocessing.16,17
By Dr. Carlos Palos
General analysis of the impact of DM Reprocessing efficiency on healthcare systems (addressing the right reprocessing process according to Spaulding classification, certification & accreditation processes, value base healthcare, and healthcare professionals training) that have contributed to reducing the SSI related to MD reprocessing, in the last decade.
All over the world, healthcare has an increasing financial burden because of aging population and evolving technologies, both of which drive an increasing cost trend.
In addition, the healthcare market is more competitive and patients are more informed and demanding. On the other hand, evidence demonstrates that in the healthcare area, 30-40% of costs are waste.
Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of medical device reprocessing is one component of the solution for providing more and better healthcare at a lower cost.
The operational response to this challenge must be to reduce the number of activities or tasks that do not add value to the process, in order to make them “fat-free”. This is the basis of the philosophy “Lean healthcare”
Manual labor is necessary for the daily operation of a CSSD. Many of the critical processes remain without automation. Additionally, customer requirements can increase workloads and define the process flow within our departments. How can we change this inefficient use of resources based on random customer demands? By introducing ISO 13485 quality system requirement standards in your department, you are able to strictly define your own processes and continuously improve them. ISO 13485 standards allow you to use various types of data to conduct process analyses and identify areas where improvements should be made. The fundamental idea is to “secure our qualitative sterile end-product in the most efficient way.”
Effectiveness and efficiency of MD reprocessing are achieved through proper selection, use, maintenance, and technological updates of the equipment involved (decontaminators, washers/disinfectors, sterilizers, etc.) as well as adequate planning of workflows, procedures, staffing, and organization in general in order to meet throughput needs. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) takes all these aspects into account and therefore can play an important role in managing reprocessing efficiency.
References :
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21. Martins, F., Ribeiro, M., Implementation and use of automated traceability system in the central sterile supply department. Rev. SOBECC, São Paulo. JAN./MAR. 2017; 22(1): 52-58. DOI: 10.5327/Z1414-4425201700010009.