ASP Summit Webinars - ASP University




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This was the round table of our ASP SUMMIT series#5 webinars on, “Medical Device Reprocessing: ​The Back to the Future”​ that followed the success of “Efficiency in Medical Decices Reprocessing: the road ahead”. Six live webinars were organized between April 2024 and January 2025, the focus was on new trends in reprocessing that could solve some of the existing challenges, consolidating the future of procedures and processes, aiming higher standards of quality, safety, and economic and environmental sustainability.

If for any reason you miss it, please you can get access to all webinars recording and factsheets.

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In the 4th webinar series, “Efficiency in Medical Devices reprocessing: the road ahead”​ , that followed the success of the “Circular Economy and Medical Devices reprocessing: a roadmap for new solutions”, five live webinars were organized between April 2023 and January 2024, we dived into the different scenarios where medical devices are used and need to be reprocessed: the operating room and the applicability of the lean principles to increase efficiency in the global process of reprocessing. ​​

If for any reason you miss it, please you can get access to all webinars recording and factsheets.​


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Due to Healthcare-associated infections, lower costs of acquisition, and no reprocessing, a recent trend toward the use of single-use MD has been observed.
However, this strategy of single-use is not in line with a Circular Economy. Alternative reprocessing methods, namely low temperature instead of steam, could improve efficiency.
Unsolved issues related to the externalization of medical device reprocessing with its pros and cons do require a judicious evaluation through Health Technology Assessments.
Learn more about Circular Economy in Medical Devices reprocessing in our Series#3 of free webinars and how you can earn 9 CE credits.
You can get 9 CE Credits if you go through e-modules

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According to the 2020 ECRI report, device cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization are among the top 10 Patient Safety Concerns.
Improving the reprocessing of Medical Devices (MD) and endoscopes should be considered a major target for healthcare institutions to comply with the highest standards of quality and safety.
Learn more about Challenges on MD reprocessing in our Series#2 of free webinars and how you can earn 9 CE credits.
Go through e-modules

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